Tips for Tackling Tooth Sensitivity

Dentist Blog

Are you starting to feel twinges in your teeth when you eat or drink? It may be that you're suffering from tooth sensitivity. How you approach the situation can depend on the root cause. Here are some tips for tackling it and making it better.

Try a Dental Check

If your tooth sensitivity is new, it's always worth paying a visit to your dentist. It may be that you're suffering from gum disease or you're experiencing the early signs of an infection. If that's the case, the sooner your dentist intervenes with appropriate treatment, the easier it is for you to reduce the pain. If your pain is particularly severe, it may be that you need to see an emergency dentist. Tooth sensitivity that escalates into severe pain could be a sign of an abscess, so you'll want to tackle it as soon as possible.

Switch Dental Products

Usually, tooth sensitivity occurs when your enamel is wearing away. When you have less enamel, you're exposing the dentin on your teeth. When something stimulates the dentin, you'll experience painful sensations. Switching to sensitive toothpaste and mouthwash means you're adding more potassium nitrate to your teeth. Over time, this can result in more enamel, which then makes your teeth less sensitive.

Try a Softer Toothbrush

If your toothbrush has hard bristles it's more likely to remove the enamel that protects your dentin. Additionally, if you're prone to receding gums it can result in your gums receding faster. The more your gums recede, the more sensitive your teeth will become. Switching specifically to a soft bristle brush protects your enamel and your gums for longer.

Cut Back on Whitening

Whitening your teeth is another activity that results in greater sensitivity. In order to achieve the whiteness you desire, the products your dentist uses will lift some of the enamel that causes staining. As an alternative, you should try avoiding staining foods and drinks until you're able to address the sensitivity with relevant products and then try whitening again. When making such decisions, always ensure you follow your dentist's advice.

Avoid Triggering Food and Drink

Finally, it's always worth looking into whether you can avoid the substances that are triggering your sensitivity. For example, try cutting ice out of your drinks or wait until very hot food and drink have a chance to cool down before you consume them. Keep a diary of what does and doesn't trigger your sensitivity for the best outcomes.

For more information, contact a dentist near you.


9 February 2022

Dental Health: Not To Be Taken For Granted

As a retired dentist, I work with charities which visit developing countries and educate children about dental care. It gives me great satisfaction to revisit these communities and see how proud the children are of their efforts. I am acutely aware that good dental hygiene can help prevent a range of serious conditions when these children become older. I started this blog because it greatly distresses me that many people in Australia do not seem to care for their teeth as much as children in these poor communities. This is happening despite ready access to items like toothbrushes and toothpaste which are luxuries in the places I visit. It is my hope that this blog encourages you not to take dental health for granted. My greatest wish is that you can be as inspired as the children I see in my charity work. Please read on and enjoy.